Analoges Mastering - Online Mastering - Patchmusic - Mastering Studio

CD-R versa DDP ( Premaster )


The premaster is created after all audio and technical adjustments have been made.

I use two methods to create this premaster:

  • CD-R master
  • DDP master

A CD-R premaster uses a normal CD-ROM. Here, the data is burned onto the medium. I use 24 Karat Gold Master CD-ROMs from MFSL written on a PLEXTOR PREMIUM 2.

With DDP, an IMAGE is created containing all of the data of the master. The error rate is 0%, making this a very dependable medium. But the latest good quality CD writers used with the right discs are also able to produce an error-free premaster.

For online data transfer, or at the request of the customer, I can export the premaster in DDP 1.01 or 2.00.